Friday, March 1, 2013

Preventing mold on fresh berries and other goodies!

I love fruit and having some on hand so I can have it as a snack whenever but I hate having to run to the store daily to buy fresh. I find most organic fruits spoil quicker than conventional too so I have 1-3 days before it starts to look gross and or have mold. Washing everything you buy is also good to get all the wax and extra stuff from shipping of the fresh produce off and it also helps keep the fruit better. 

Here is a trick I do to help things stay longer. 

Prepare a mixture of one part white or apple cider vinegar and 10 parts water. Dump the berries into the mixture and swirl around. Drain and rinse, the mixture is so diluted you can't taste the vinegar. Rinse the original plastic container and place a paper towel in the bottom. Then pop it into the fridge.
 Raspberries and strawberries soaking.
 They look nice, fresh and brighter after being washed. Place them back in the container they came in and store in the fridge.
 Three whole days later they look just as good as the day they were brought.
 Looks good enough to eat!
You can also just do this with just water once you bring everything home from the market, you are simply washing mold spores off the produce.

You can use vinegar on many other things too to help it last longer. I use it to wash most my produce and meat...natural disinfectant. Broccoli doesn't do well with it though.
Another tip, wrap vegetables in aluminum foil to help them they'll last twice as long! 

Hope this helps your goodies stay fresh!
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